Contribute a Post

MCW students who would like to contribute a post to this blog should take the following steps:
  1. Pick an experience you have had while interacting with patients, families, or physicians. (One that made you think, or one that made you angry, or one that made you smile.)  Thoughtfully consider how the experience impacted you. Write down your thoughts as a reflection.
  2. Remember that we represent the school, faculty, staff, fellow students, and everyone involved with MCW.

    1. We use respectful and professional language.
    2. We respect the confidentiality of everyone included in your post. Here are a few tips:
      • Ask the person (patient, faculty member, student, parent) if you can use their name in a post. Many people are flattered by the request. 
      • Don’t use actual names, without permission (because of HIPPA). Change names and situations enough that the person couldn’t be identified.

    • Submit your writings to Submissions will be less than 500 words. Microsoft Word documents are best. Include your name, graduating class, date of submission, email address, and pathway at the top of the page. (See an example here)
    • Once submitted, one or two of your peers will get a chance to review/proofread your writing and offer feedback within one week of submitting. Then you’ll be emailed when your post goes up. 
    • Encourage your classmates to read and comment.
    Thank you for contributing! Keep up the good work!